Relocation can be an exciting time in one's life. It means new adventures in a new city and/or state.

Whether you are moving to Southern Oregon, or finding you dream home elsewhere, we can help.

How to minimize stress during relocation

  1. Think ahead and organize — Packing and unpacking is less than fun. It isn't easy to sort through belongings that have accumulated over the years and it is not necessarily a good idea to transport everything from one place to another.

    Take this opportunity to part with items that are no longer needed. Label or color-code boxes by room so when it is time to unpack, all of the essential items will be right where they are supposed to be.

  2. Do some reconnaissance before moving —Research your new location thoroughly, whether in person or online. Learn about the neighborhoods, best restaurants, and proximity to work, shopping or recreation. Every community has a different vibe and researching this ahead of time will go a long way towards helping you feel comfortable in a new location. If you are unable to visit in person, make sure to ask your real estate professional to send you a Relocation Package for the new area.

  3. Make a budget for all things related to relocation — Moving is costly. From purchasing moving boxes to transportation costs, the expenses can add up quickly. It does not end there though. Getting settled in a new home is also expensive. Be sure to budget for items that will help you make it through the first few nights like cleaning supplies, toiletries, and food.

  4. Determine if moving costs are tax-deductible — Certain criteria must be met in order to get a tax deduction on the cost of relocation. Consult a tax professional before the big move so you can prepare all of the necessary information for tax season. Knowing that some money may be finding its way back to your bank account can relieve some of the financial burden.

  5. Make use of technology — Keep in mind that relocating is not only hard on you, it also takes a toll on your friends and family. Remember to make use of video chat applications that are available on smartphones and tablets. Keeping in touch is a great way to stay grounded as everyone goes through the transition phase together.